Designer Handbags

There are several types of luxury handbags on the market. Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, and Hermes are sure to catch an eye. Designer handbags are a statement of sophistication, and the craftsmanship in the bags stands alone. In San Diego, people often find Express Pawn as the go-to location for collateral pawn loans, selling, and buying previously owned designer bags at a reasonable price. At Express Pawn, you’ll find we offer the best deals on designer purses for the value in San Diego. Come see our ever-changing inventory today. You won’t be disappointed!

Designer Handbags

Luxury handbags are a statement of sophistication and style. Elite brands dominate the fashion industry for both men and women.  Names such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Hermès, Chanel, and Gucci are known by many as high-end brands and some have steep price tags. At Express Pawn we are always interested in buying or loaning on gently used designer bags.  If you have doubts, use the web quote button and send pictures for our experts to assist.

Owning a quality designer handbag can be an investment. Designed and crafted with high quality materials, designer bags are made to last. Owning a luxury handbag can make it possible for you to sell or pawn the bag for fast cash. Express Pawn makes it easy to buy, sell, and obtain a loan on luxury bags. 

Owning a luxury handbag does not need to break the bank. Although the hefty price tag of a new designer purse may leave you in shock purchasing a gently loved handbag may be the perfect solution. Luxury handbags are durable, beautiful, and they hold their value. They are an investment. Express Pawn has an ever changing extensive inventory of pre-owned handbags at reasonable prices. 

Luxury Hangbags for Collateral Loans

Sometimes you may find yourself with an unexpected emergency where money is tight and you are  not sure what to do. Go to your closet and see if you have a luxury handbag or accessories that you could use as collateral for a pawn loan. Express Pawn in San Diego offers same day pawn loans. We also buy items outright. Give us a call or stop by one of our 9 locations today.

Find the best deals

We have a huge inventory to sell at the best prices on the market. Come and visit us, and get the best prices on the following items.

Gold / Silver / Platinum Jewelry






Musical Instruments

Car Audio Equipment

Video Games


Second Hand Goods

Designer Purses

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Come visit any of our nine locations in San Diego or browse our online catalog.